Number: SOP-TVL-08
Subject: Childcare on NIH Fellowships and Training Grants
Summary: Procedure for reimbursing childcare costs to NIH Fellowship Recipients.
Source: University Procurement Services
Date of Issue: 06/01/2021
To provide NIH Fellowship Recipients a procedure for submitting eligible childcare costs for reimbursement in Emburse Enterprise.
NIH Criteria Checklist:
- Individual is a NIH Fellowship Recipient.
- Costs are related to childcare for a dependent child or children under the age of 13 or disabled and under age 18.
- Childcare provider is a licensed childcare provider (copy of provider license should be attached to the initial reimbursement from that provider).
Indiana University Checklist:
- Childcare provider license.
- Department is responsible for tracking the provider license in Emburse Enterprise and verifying it is valid in the submitted expense report.
- Childcare provider invoice marked Paid, or childcare provider invoice + itemized receipt.
- Sign up for Reimbursement Direct Deposit, (scroll to “Add a Reimbursement Account” Direct Deposit & Pay-cards | Office of the University Controller (
Emburse Enterprise Procedure:
- Request access role for permission to use the Childcare on NIH Fellowships tile.
- Email a request to for the NIHChildcare access role, include your name, IUID, campus and department code.
- Prepare required documentation for upload into Emburse Enterprise.
- Scan receipt and print to PDF, or,
- Visit the Emburse Enterprise Help Center for tips and techniques for adding images
- Login to Emburse Enterprise via
- Select +New and New Expense Report from the top navigation bar.
- Enter a Report Name using the following naming convention: NIH Childcare m/dd/yy – m/dd/yy (date range of childcare).
- Report Type = Out-of-Pocket Reimbursement
- COVID-19 related cost included? (select most appropriate response).
- Business Purpose = Childcare on NIH fellowships & training grants
- Click Save.
- Select the Childcare on NIH Fellowships tile. Complete the following:
- Date = Reimbursement request date.
- Spent = Amount to be reimbursed in USD.
- Description = Optional, you may enter descriptive detail to aid recall of expense, if audited.
- Allocation (begin typing the grant account funding the reimbursement).
- Add Attachments, i.e., provider license, plus paid invoice, or invoice + itemized receipt (The provider license is only required on the first reimbursement request, or if the fellowship recipient changes childcare providers).
- Click Save.
- Review report for accuracy.
- Click Submit.
- Report routes to Out-of-Pocket Transaction Approver delegated on the grant funding account.
- Approval status can be tracked by opening the report and clicking on the “Tracking” button.
- Emburse Enterprise:
- Indiana University’s expense management system that is accessible via One.IU.